Part two of our mapping series. See Part one Mapping Histories History is never objective—interpretations of events always vary depending on whose perspective is prioritized. It is always a process of selection and exclusion, approved what is remembered and forgotten, talked about and written down, history is not left up to chance but to the… Read More

Environmental Health Clinic & Sentient City The Environmental Health Clinic + Lab (X-clinic) is an interdisciplinary, more about stuff experimental, price community-based project with institutional backing from New York University. It is directed by Natalie Jeremijenko, an artist, educator, and scientist who for over two decades has brought together disparate disciplines with a particular sense… Read More

Artists, remedy Jeff Eisenberg and Kristen Wilkens make up the collaborative M0bile Pr4ctice. Their November exhibition at Swarm Gallery, featured multi-media works and four large scale pencil drawings by Eisenberg. M0bil Pr4actice came together during a teaching gig in Crawfordsville, IN where both artists were Visiting Assistant Professors during 2009. Jeff spent the following summer… Read More

BIG BANG BIG BOOM – the new wall-painted animation by BLU Artist Blu takes on evolution and its consequences. BIG BANG BIG BOOM – the new wall-painted animation by BLU Artist Blu takes on evolution and its consequences. Oscar Grant, order a young black man, information pills was detained on the BART platform. White police… Read More